Unlock deeper insights into your genetics with DEBBIE, offering actionable data for more informed consultations with your physician and an improved understanding of your physiology.

Learn more about yourself

Get Wellness Insights

DEBBIE has been trained on comprehensive medical data and interfaced with the latest genetic parameters, she offers a preliminary understanding of your health before you visit a healthcare professional.

try debbie out today

Evaluate our BETA

DEBBIE is currently in BETA, and personal genetic data uploads are not yet available.But you can still explore our existing genetic datasets to gain meaningful insights.We would love to get feedback on your experience with her.

Statement of limitation

You are using a demo version of the DeBio bot, which utilizes publicly available genomic data from an anonymous contributor.
Responses may contain excessive detail, errors, or irrelevant information. The creators are not liable for the bot's responses, and they are not legally reviewed.

DEBBIE's Tutorial

Getting To DEBBIE

  • Get a NEAR wallet at MyNearWallet App

  • Fund it with NEAR

  • Go to DEBBIE's Page

  • Click on "BUY DBIO"

  • Swap your NEAR for DBIO

  • Burn your DBIO for sessions

  • Start talking to DEBBIE

Statement of limitation

You are using a demo version of the DeBio bot, which utilizes publicly available genomic data from an anonymous contributor.
Responses may contain excessive detail, errors, or irrelevant information. The creators are not liable for the bot's responses, and they are not legally reviewed.

The future of personalised health


DEBBIE is still in BETA.It’s been preloaded with data belonging to Sarah. You can learn more about her personal data here.However you can still converse with DEBBIE and we would love to hear your feedback on the overall experience.

Here are some questions to get you started

  • Based on my genetic data, what diseases or conditions am I at a higher risk for?

  • Are there specific screenings or tests you recommend for early detection of these conditions?

  • Do my genetics suggest that I might be more or less responsive to certain medications?

  • Are there any medications I should avoid or consider based on my genetic profile?

  • Do my genetics provide insights into my metabolism or tendency to gain weight?

  • Are there specific strategies I should follow for effective weight management?

  • Does my genetic data provide any insights into potential fertility issues or risks for my children?

More on sarah

DEBBIE is still in BETA.

It’s been preloaded with data belonging to Sarah, an early adopter. It contains her personal health records, including detailed DNA data, comprehensive medical history, surgery information, and menstrual cycle tracking.

Sarah has type II diabetes, hypertension, asthma, anxiety, and arthritis, managed with medications like Metformin, Lisinopril, Albuterol, Sertraline, and Ibuprofen.
She has genetic risks for blood clots (Factor V Leiden), hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (BRCA1), and Alzheimer’s (APOE e4).
Surgeries include knee replacement, appendectomy, cataract surgery, gallbladder removal (with complications), and heart bypass, all with appropriate follow-ups.

Click HERE the more details on her condition.

Let us know what you think

DEBBIE is still in BETA.
We would like to know what you think about DEBBIE in her current form. Please complete the form below so that we can make further improvements to make your experience with DEBBIE even better.We'll also make it worth your while.

Statement of limitation

You are using a demo version of the DeBio bot, which utilizes publicly available genomic data from an anonymous contributor.
Responses may contain excessive detail, errors, or irrelevant information. The creators are not liable for the bot's responses, and they are not legally reviewed.

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